Aneta specialises in providing ongoing tax advice to Polish and international financial institutions, IT, technology and manufacturing entities on income and turnover taxes and international tax law. She is experienced in conducting and managing tax audit projects, due diligence reviews, restructuring and strategic tax planning. Aneta represents clients before tax authorities and administrative courts.
Financier, licensed tax advisor (entry no. 10068) with 23 years of experience in tax consultancy. Presenter at tax law trainings, author of press publications, co-author of the C.H. Beck Commentary on Corporate Income Tax. She worked at KPMG and Deloitte Doradztwo Podatkowe, where she advised financial institutions, including banks, loan companies, debt collection companies, leasing companies and brokerage houses.
She graduated from the Cracow University of Economics with a degree in finance and banking.
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- Gołębiewski Hotel
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- Gołębiewski Hotel